The Official Blog of Tara Marie Segundo, M.A.

"To be successful, you must have the three C's: Conviction, Creativity, and Courage." ~Tara Marie Segundo, M.A.
November 30, 2012

Set Yourself Up for Success Tip #5


FIVE: Understand the power of cumulative exercise.

The single most common excuse that people give for not exercising is lack of time.  I get it.  I know what it’s like to have so much to do that you don’t even know where to begin.  As my life has gotten more hectic, I have also had to get more creative.

At one point, I would not go to the gym at all if I didn’t have time for my “full” workout.  My definition of a full workout meant time to do cardio, weights, and a full stretch at the end.  Back in those days, I could kill an easy two and a half hours, five times a week doing my “full” workout.  The days that I can devote that kind of time to the gym are long gone, but I’ve adapted.

The truth is, life is hard and life is always changing.  We go through periods that are more challenging than others, and hopefully as things flow, they will also ebb.  It is during the busy times that you must be extra diligent about maintaining some semblance of a routine or risk getting so out of the habit of exercising that you wake up a year and a half later wondering when the extra twenty-five pounds accumulated on your back side.

November 20, 2012

FREE Teleseminar: Battle Binge Eating with R.A.G.E.®

I am offering a FREE teleseminar for people struggling with binge eating. It will be based on my blog, Battle Binge Eating with R.A.G.E.®

We will be discussing what binge eating is, what it is not, and how to connect the behavior to your emotions so you can bring self-awareness and self-control to any situation. Please join me for this event and pass this information along to anyone who would benefit from it!

Battle Binge Eating with R.A.G.E.®

Date: Tuesday, November 27

Time: 8 PM Eastern Time

Conference Line: 805-399-1000

Access Code: 534333

I’ll meet you there!

Happy Thanksgiving, Tara Marie

November 8, 2012

Battle Binge Eating with R.A.G.E.®

I have had the great pleasure of working with a wide variety of clients, including young athletic types, moms and dads just trying to stay fit, and often, people that struggle greatly with eating issues that plague so many of us.  As I have said before, I have suffered with my share of problems regarding body image and compulsive behaviors around eating and exercise.

One of my lifelong struggles has been with binge eating. I was finally able to conquer my compulsion to binge, and I now teach my clients to do the same using a system that I devised that brings awareness to the problem and helps the client connect the undesirable behavior to its triggers—and offers an alternative means of dealing with the stressors of life.

Binge eating is a coping mechanism used by millions of people, and at its best, it serves as an ineffective way of assuaging unpleasant emotions and temporarily distracting us from our feelings. At its worst, it compounds every problem with which we suffer and gives us one more thing to worry about when the binge is over.  Often, binge eating becomes a form of self-punishment.  Binge eaters hate themselves for not being able to control their own behavior around food.

I know EXACTLY what it feels like to be obsessed with an irrational urge to eat to the point of being physically sick. I understand the shame involved and the need for secrecy. I have experienced the isolation, and it is a horrible way to live.

If you suffer with binge eating, it is of primary importance that you understand that it has NOTHING to do with food. You don’t want the FOOD, but rather the FEELING that the food gives you. In fact, as long as you continue to believe that your problem is food, you have little hope of overcoming the behavior.  Food is never a PROBLEM, nor is it ever a SOLUTION.

When we binge, we reach for foods like muffins, pies, cakes, bread, uncooked cookie dough, frosting, chocolate, ice cream, chips, crackers, pizza, etc. These foods literally change your brain chemistry by way of increasing serotonin and other neurotransmitters and calming anxiety.  I have never heard of someone bingeing on steamed broccoli and celery stalks.

We binge for the same reason that people smoke one cigarette after another, take drugs, or drink to excess—to cope with feelings that are uncomfortable or in some cases, we want to totally numb our pain.  It’s not very different from giving a baby a pacifier, as it creates instant calm.

Anyone who has ever binged can attest to the fact that the good feelings are fleeting.  Once the binge is over, guilt, shame, disgust, self-loathing, and feelings of worthlessness overwhelm an already-troubled person.

Conquering binge eating IS possible, if you are willing to do the hard work to learn another way of living and coping in an increasingly stressful world…and all you need is R.A.G.E.®.